White Bear Area Food Shelf

Thank you for your support!

Did you know the Food Shelf has a Garden? We do! Last year with the help of volunteers, it produced over 600 lbs of fresh produce for our neighbors in need!

The mission of Community Roots Program is to increase access to fresh, seasonal, locally grown produce to those in need by providing a safe, productive, learning environment where neighbors work collaboratively toward a common goal. Community Roots provides a hands-on opportunity for neighbors to learn how to grow food and build community connections.

According to Gardening Matters, a local nonprofit promoting and preserving community gardening across the Twin Cities, local benefits to community gardening include:

  • An increased sense of community ownership and stewardship.

  • Is a healthy inexpensive activity for youth that can bring them closer to nature, and allow them to interact with each other in a socially meaningful and physically productive way.

  • Studies have shown that community gardeners and their children eat healthier diets than do non-gardening families.